Background of Atopic Dermatitis (our theory) >>> HOME

 - As shown in the above figures, the manifestation of a disease occurs from a combination of two factors, individual conditions and environmental changes. For example, congenital diseases can occur without any environmental influence, whereas external injuries can occur regardless of an individual's health. It is possible to place general diseases (common colds or geriatric diseases) between these extremes.

- On the other hand, individual diseases occur in a disposition- environment relationship. The manifestation of a disease can occur less by environmental factors in those with more dispositional factors, whereas those with less dispositional factors are more influenced by environmental factors. With respect to atopic dermatitis, only a handful of people with atopic disposition had this disease before. However, I believe those with little disposition nowadays develop this disease as a result of the deteriorating environment. This explains why dermatitis is very difficult to cure and why many adults are now developing this disease.

- Now, let's look at which specific environmental changes related to this disease.

Tsurumachi Clinic Dermatology
1-17-4, Nishi, Arakawaoki, Tsuchiura, Ibaraki Japan 300-0874
TEL 029-842-3046 , FAX 029-842-3227

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